Forum Bygga Skola reste till New York i november 2016!
En liten grupp med arkitekter, byggare och representanter för en kommun tog under fyra intensiva dagar del av ett program särskilt anpassat för att möta de utmaningar som är aktuella i den svenska skolan.
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Program studieresa till NYC 7-11 november 2016
Tuesday November 8th
8:30 AM Breakfast at Hotel and Pre-brief Learning Goals for the day
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Discussion of the role of architecture and design in supporting great educational outcomes – Overview of and pre-brief to the four day learning visit. Summary of the expertise of each speaker and site visit and relevance to the overall learning tour.
Facilitators: Peter Lippman, Assoc AIA, B Arch, M Psych and Xenia Cox, Education and Design Reform Activist
10:00 AM Site Visit to Little Red Schoolhouse, NYC
What is the educational model at LRS and the theory of instruction from which that model emerged? How is the culture of the school? How did the design of the Little Red Schoolhouse emerge from school culture and instructional model and how does it actively contribute to delivery of that model? What were the questions that were asked in advance of the design process that facilitated these connections and design? What are the unique aspects of the design process that enabled a strong connection between pedagogy/school culture and final design for the school?
Presenters: Andrew Bartle – Architect for LRS, Principal Little Red Schoolhouse
2:00 PM Meeting with Dr. Carolyn Sattin Bajaj
How does design and implementation of school choice programs (which in turn impact district/city planning policies and masterplanning work) impact equitable access to quality educational options for immigrant families and students?
Presenters: Dr. Carolyn Sattin Bajaj, Research Fellow at New York University and possibly team members
5:30 PM Dinner, Guest Speaker(s) Dr. Claire Sylvan and the Deeper Learning Equity Fellows Debrief and Pre-brief for Wednesday learning tours
How can school, district and city leadership be mindful of equity issues when planning for quality Deeper Learning educational opportunities for underserved and immigrant families and students? What are the conversations that facilitate a meaningful dialogue around equity?
Dinnertime Guest Speaker(s): Dr. Claire Sylvan, Founder of the International Schools Network, co-founder of the Deeper Learning Equity Fellows Program, and others.
Wednesday November 9th
8:30 AM Peter Lippman meets group at hotel to accompany to the Bronx
10:00 AM Site Visit to New Settlement School, Bronx NY
What are the foundational community and community school principles at New Settlement School from which that model emerged? What were the goals of the project and how have they been achieved? What were the questions/concerns that guided the development initiative and design process? What were the ground-breaking collaborations and policy exceptions that made such a project possible? How is the school doing now and what are the plans for the future?
Presenters: Carol Lamberg, Former Executive Director for Settlement Housing Fund, Megan Nolan, Director of the New Settlement Community Center. (Carol Lamberg has written a book about the process and challenges of organizing a community-based school project that is scheduled for release in early 2017.)
2:30 PM Late lunch at hotel meeting with Dr. Brooke Stafford Brizard – Researcher and Author
Presentation of research, Building Blocks for Learning, and its significance to efforts to improve educational outcomes for all students going forward. What are potential next steps for the ongoing research?
Presenter: Dr. Brooke Stafford-Brizard, Pahara Fellow, Aspen Institute
Thursday November 10th
7:00 AM Peter Lippman meets group at hotel
8:45 AM Site Visit to Teacher’s Village, Great Oaks Charter School in Newark NJ
What is the educational model at Great Oaks and the theory of instruction from which that model emerged? How is the culture of the school? How did the design of Teacher’s Village emerge from your instructional model and how does it actively contribute to delivery of that model? What were the questions that were asked in advance of the design process that facilitated these connections and design? What are the unique aspects of the design process that enabled a strong connection between pedagogy/school culture and final design for the school?
Presenters: Jared Talleiffer, Founding Principal, Great Oaks Charter School, Newark NJ, Michael Duffy – Executive Director Great Oaks Foundation
11:45 AM Quick light lunch in Lower Manhattan
1:00 PM Site Visit to Urban Assembly Maker Academy in New York City
Description of the instructional theory and educational model that is the “secret sauce” behind UA Maker Academy success. What is design thinking and the Maker movement and how does it underpin the Maker Academy model design? What was the extent of modifications made to the existing building to accommodate your school’s particular model and school culture?
Presenters: Luke Bauer, Founder and Principal, UA Maker Academy
5:00 PM Dinner in NYC, Guest Speaker Ms. Nirvani Budhram, Debrief and Pre-brief
Discussion: Managing large scale systemic change with a goal of improving education nationally.
Dinnertime Guest Speaker: Ms. Nirvani Budhram, former Program Officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Fund for Public Schools
Friday November 11th
8:00 AM Peter Lippman and Xenia Cox meets group at hotel
9:30 AM Site Visit to Gateway School, NYC
What is the educational model at the Gateway School and the theory of instruction from which that model emerged? How is the culture of the school? How did the design of the Gateway School develop from school culture and instructional model and how does it actively contribute to delivery of that model? What were the questions that you asked in advance of the design process that facilitated these connections and design? What are the unique aspects of your design process that enabled a strong connection between pedagogy/school culture and final design for the school?
Presenters: Andrew Bartle – Architect for The Gateway School, Principal
12:30 Lunch and Group Conversation on Facilities equity led by Xenia Cox, Equity Fellows Program Mentor, Guest Speaker TBD
Let’s explore facilities parity vs equity in learning environments. Where improvements to educational outcomes are the goal, which has greater impact – facilities parity or equity? What are some questions that can drive this dialogue in the context of future building programs? What are examples of facilities equity from our learning tour this week?
2:00 PM Four-day Debrief led by Peter Lippman, Summation and Adjournment