Studieresa till New York City 15-17 maj 2023 med fokus på att bygga skola på höjden.
Välkommen att följa med till New York! Vi besöker skolor, träffar rektorer och arktitekt Andrew Bartle. Hur kan man bygga en skola på höjden, ibland på befintliga hus? Hur kan en planerings- och designprocess se ut? Under resan besöker vi minst två skolor (se beskrivningar och bilder nedan) och vi träffar också American Institute of Architects för en föreläsning och ett rundabordssamtal kring skolhusplanering samt möter New York City School Constructing Authority.
Köpenhamn 25-26 maj 2023→
London 5-6 oktober 2023→
Missa heller inte våra virtuella studiebesök!
Little Red Elisabeth Irwin, NYC
The LREI expansion doubled the size of a high school on a very complex urban site with historical designation. The design includes a 5-story Arts Pavilion, theater renovation, 3-story Science Pavilion, enlarged cafeteria, full ADA-accessibility, and exterior gathering spaces. The concept turned an inward focused block building into an outward focused campus with energized interior spaces and vibrant exterior courtyards, promoting a sense of community. The 4-phase project was completed over 5 years with minimal disruption to the student body (photos © Durston Saylor).
Anmälan & deltagaravgift
Anmälan: Mejla eller ring till Magnus Anclair. alt 070-2094876. Anmälan är bindande men plats kan överlåtas på annan person. Vi reser i en mindre grupp.
Deltagaravgift för medlemmar i Forum Bygga Skolas nätverk: 7 500 kr + moms/person. Pris för icke medlemmar: 9 500 kr + moms.
Deltagaravgiften inkluderar:
• Hela programmet med studiebesök och föreläsningar
• Två gemensamma middagar samt två luncher
• Lokaltrafik (tunnelbana, taxi mm) i samband med programmet
Boende och resa ordnar deltagare med själva. Reseledare Magnus Anclair bor på The Industrualist, Park Slope, Brooklyn (ca 20 minuter med tunnelbana/tåg till Downtown Manhattan).
St. Luke’s School, NYC
St. Luke’s School (SLS) shares a historically preserved West Village block with the Church of St. Luke in the Fields and the beloved St. Luke in the Fields Garden. ABA’s project involved a 17,000 sf, two-story addition to an existing three-story building. The new spaces include a 4,000 sf gymnasium, classrooms, and offices. The structural system of the addition works independently from that of the original building below. Eight new “supercolumns” thread through the existing building to bedrock, supporting giant trusses at the east and west sides. Photos © Durston Saylor
Samtal med Andrew Bartle
på Forum Bygga Skola 2021
Mi Casita Preschool and Cultural Center
Mi Casita Preschool and Cultural Center is a bilingual arts-based preschool and cultural arts center in Bedford Stuyvesant for bilingual families and for those who want to acquire a second language.
Mi Casita is designed collaboratively by Barker Associates Architecture Office and 4|Mativ Design Studio is located in a new mixed-use development in Brooklyn. The program called for three classrooms to occupy a large space with 15′ ceilings on the ground floor of the building with a lower level for support programming. The space is organized around an L-shaped trough sink that becomes a social gathering spot and that also functions as a bathroom sink. Divisions between rooms are made with furniture to provide flexibility so that the space can be transformed for special events including performances organized by the school’s artist-in-residence.